October 9, 2008

To the Girls

Over the last two days I've got to spend time talking to or spending time with a few of my really close friends. I've come to the conclusion that I am really blessed, I've got really good friends and on a rare occasion I can still get crazy! Okay so my crazy has changed a little over the years, but isn't it nice to know that no matter what you still have your friends and isn't it nice to know that you can go, at times a few years without talking and still be able to pick up the phone and start where you left off. So I guess what I'm saying is ," This Ones for the Girls!".


Rachel said...

Aren't we lucky...I'm lucky to have you my girlie girl..

Cheryl said...

LOve Love Love you! I wish I could have been there with you and the girlys!

Alicia said...

I was just laughing today about our conversations the other night. I love that we can really have a great sidesplitting laugh together!!

Heidi and Matt said...

Oh, Emily, It is so fun to find your blog!!! I love peeking at what your family us up to and keeping in touch. I just had a ball with your kids at the family reunion. They are so fun and sweet. I am glad your little babe is healthy being so early!!! Can't wait to read more updates!

Donahoe Family said...

Ok I am assuming you are thinking of me too right??? I am so impressed that you have decided to start a blog - even though you made several comments to me that you didn't have the time. Now look, you probably have more posts this month that I do! Sorry I didn't have time to talk with you and Shauna the other day - josh was running late to soccer again - imagine that?! Love ya, miss ya!