December 22, 2008

Is This Real?

I find myself wondering what is happening to my life? I wake up every morning with this list. It seems so doable at 7:30 a.m. and then we are off and running. It seems like I get the kids out the door and check the clock again and it is already 11:30 time for lunch. Then after lunch Kyler needs a nap so we lay down. It never fails I beat him to sleep every time. Hopefully I wake up in time to pick up the car pool, if not Arleigh let's me know. I keep telling her it's really not that far to walk. Any way then it's homework, piano, scouts, soccer or whatever the flavor of the day is. Dinner then occasionally, a haircut or two. Reading, prayers then off to bed. Oh and feeding a baby every few hours, changing bums! I tell you I feel so complete. Then it's Shane's turn for my time. HA HA! One thing is for sure, I am never bored. I found this and thought it was fitting.