April 26, 2009

Coupons Anyone?

I decided to try my hand at the whole couponing thing and I really can't believe the amount of money I am saving! I went to Albertsons thids week and spent $102 and saved $314. I can't get enough I think it's my new hobby. I am a geek for sure, in case anyone wondered. So I am off to clip my coupons.


lieslbmarie said...

You are so NOT a dork..I love doing coupons!! Albertson's had a great sale this week. Look out-it's very addicting!! But it's oh so fun!! If I here of any great deals, I'll let you know. I have a couple of friends in my ward who are die hard couponers! Have fun!!

Calerich said...

Teach me! seriously! I tried doing the coupon thing and it was just so overwhelming to me. I felt like I spent soo much time on it and really didn't see any savings. I would honestly love a tutoring session if you are up for it!

cheryl said...

I'm addicted, but didn't quite get the deal you got at Albertsons this week. I spent $52, and saved $104. But it did take me 3 hours to prep for that shopping trip! It was worth it though. Everything went straight to food storage, since we have so much food still from all of these savings!